LISA Pedrazzoli (USA)

Lisa, was born on December 18, 2017, with 9.26lb. All exames were normal and she learned everything considered normal until 22 months of age.  She was always very close to me, I think because I breastfed her.

She was never babysat or went to daycare. I was always with her. She was a little impatient and nervous at times, but nothing out of the ordinary for her age. Sometimes she would  choke and vomit while eating, but there was no signs of anything else that showed me something was wrong. But in November 2019 everything changed in the life of our princess Lisa.

She started throwing up. We took her to the pediatrician. But her condition was not improving. So we took her to the hospital . After doing  many exams we were “introduced” to the scary world of Leigh’s syndrome.